Monday, May 21, 2007

saying thanks

There was a great story on the news last night. A local county here in Minnesota raised money to send all its WWII veterans on a 1 day trip to Washington DC to visit the WWII memorial.

For many of them, it was their first trip to the Country’s Capital, for most of them, it will be their last. When they returned home from War over 50 years ago, there was no grand parade for them in rural Minnesota. Instead, they returned to their families, and tended to their daily routines again. These men and woman who crossed the ocean to protect those who could no longer protect themselves, to fight hatred and tyranny, to do what they thought was their duty, got little more than a pat on the back. Now, over a half century later, they’re finally getting a tribute---the flight of a lifetime to see a memorial in honor of all the courageous men and woman who served in WWII. When the vets returned to MN, a high school choir greeted them at the airport, singing our national anthem, and naturally the vets joined in. Then to top it off, as their 2 hour bus trip from the twin cities came into town, the streets were lined with hundreds of cheering people and American Flags, finally getting the grand parade they deserved so many years ago.
The reason I’m relaying this story to you, is this: Before we lose our last vets of WWII, thank them. Thank them for standing up for what was right. Thank them for finally stopping genocide in concentration camps. Thank them for stopping the further spread of oppression. Thank them for helping lift this country out of it’s deepest ever economic depression. I didn’t realize until last night that I had never thanked my Grandpa. I’ve heard his many stories, but never taken the time to say, Thank You.

With Memorial day around the corner, Thank a WW II vet. If you don’t know one personally, The local VWF or nursing home would be glad to direct you to one I’m sure!

Friday, May 18, 2007

blah blah blah

Q: Chelsea, Why have you not been posting layouts lately?

A: um, because my studio is BEYOND messy and in order to work I do so on a 11 inch square of my large desk….which only leaves room for cards—and seeing as there’s been lots of birthdays and whatnot lately I’ve been doing lots of those! I PROMISE I’m going to do some cleaning though this weekend—because it’s supposed to rain at least one day, and it’s a great rainy day activity. J

Let’s see, besides my really messy studio, what’s new. (and I would like to note that I finally cleaned my cube at work—so that’s totally a start!) Anyway, I’m reading a book about Marathon Training. No, I’m not running a marathon anytime soon—but it’s definitely something I’d like to do in the next couple years-and seeing as I’m so not in shape, I better start reading and training now. Between that and riding my bike and long walks, I’m exercising quite a bit. I’m on a “diet” too—although I hate that word. I’m back on WW points—because I know they work, that is if I actually follow them and don’t give into the French fries and pizza and hunks of cheese that are constantly calling my name. As they do.

Last weekend was my “little” brother’s graduation from College. Jason and I drove down to Missouri for the event. Good times! He's down in Florida now with his girlfriend celebrating being done with school, before he has to go out and join the "real world." This is my older sister, me and Stephen in the dad took the picture--which is great, despite the fact that there is apparently a tree growing out of my brother's head (he should probably see a doctor about that)
If you ever want to be bored to death, I encourage you to drive from Southern Minnesota to Columbia, MO. You spend a good deal of time in NOWHERE, IA. And better yet we took a state highway--it was "scenic" or so they said---once you've seen central Iowa once--well, you've seen central Iowa.

We did however happen on the cute little town of Pella, IA though. There's a store there who's owner, Gail Kirby, I'd promised I'd stop by if I ever happened to be in Pella. Of course I didn't plan on that realistically happening, because when the heck would I be in Pella, IA? But loandbehold it was on the way--so we stopped in the little dutch village. You should have seen Gail's jaw hit the floor when I saw her standing outside her store on her cellphone and yelled, "get off the phone!"

On Gail's recommendation we had lunch at the Windmill Cafe in Pella, and then stopped by a local bakery (there's 2 in town) to get some goodies for the rest of the drive. mmmmm, cookies.
On the way back after Graduation we took the long route through Kansas City so Jason could go to the original Arthur Bryants BBQ. mmmm, good eats. You know what I loved about this place-besides the fact that time stood still in there...was that it proved that bbq brings people together. Here it is in a not so nice area of Kansas city, to say the least. But together inside it's walls where people of every color and creed from every walk of life---all to enjoy bbq. and then there was me.....the vegetarian. well, the fries were good. :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

me, my rad new bike and other ramblings

I've been busy--what can I say.........okay, maybe a little lazy too when it comes to my blogging--but mostly busy--really, I promise.
It seems like CKU Detroit was just yesterday and we're already getting geared up and ready to rock out Anaheim Cali style! WEST COAST!!!

Today I had to have new headshots done for work--I felt so silly--well, I am there!
This is probably what they consider an outtake
--but it's my favorite!
followed closely by this one. :)

When I got home for lunch, Jason noticed that my outfit matched my new rad bike, so of course I made him take pictures.

by the way, I named her (my bike) "Large Marge"--after the trucker in PeeWee's big adventure, afterall my bike is pretty peewee-esque. It was a toss up between Symone and Large Marge....and Marge won. (us big girls have to stick together).
Tell me that bike doesn't ROCK! I already have a mountain bike that I love to put good mileage on in good weather, but I needed something fun to too around in, and being the loud retro gal I am, this bike just screamed "take me home" so of course I did! It even has a kick arse little bell on it--so I can alert people of my dork-osity!
When I ride around on it I like to do the song of the wicked witch of the west.
I need to get a basket for the front. (as if I don't look geeky enough)
I also have a cool red and white striped hoodie that looks really cute while riding, because we know it's very important to make a fashion statement while riding. :)

Jason and I are taking off this weekend to drive down to Missouri. My "little" brother is graduating from college---EEK! I feel so old! I'm really proud of him...Good job Stephen! GO TIGERS!

Speaking of Jason, here's a recent layout. :)

OH MY GOSH...........I almost forgot--IT'S shout-out Thursday!

Well, Jason gets a shout out today for being the grill and bbq kind of Mankato. He bought a big green egg recently and has been rocking out some awesome food--mmmm, salmon....mmm pizza on the egg.........mmm. He has a few other grills and smokers too and is never at a shortage of things to do with them--as a matter of fact-we're bringing dinner over to his parents tonight so he can delight them with his culinary genius.

Melissa Kelley gets a HUGE shout out today for rockin' out some great work for the DT lately, and doing tons of extra-- way to go Miss thang.

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