Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's a good thing

CHA summer is only 9 days away! That means, new products, new trends, new buzz.....are you excited? I know I am!!!
What's hot right now, and what's going to be hot after the show? Well, one thing that I'm confident will continue to be hot after the show is journaling tools.
Whether it's a "random memory" or "quote of the day" stamp, a "my memories" rub-on, a "mood update" tear off sheet",a "journal curtain" or even a book of journal prompts, you're being told that journaling is important around every corner....why? BECAUSE IT IS! We have hundred, maybe thousands (I know I do) of photos...but after we're gone those photos turn into ghosts without their story. Without the words, the story is anyone's guess really. Every page doesn't have to be a novel though. It can be as simple as a date...you can simply remember the 5 W's Penny from Inspector Gadget taught us--who, what, where when why. But what if you do want to write a little more....well then, you can do so in an envelope, a journal curtain, a match book style journal....or here's an idea---# your layouts--and keep a coordinating journal, that can give you the chance to really right that "novel" of a story behind the picture--maybe it's worth more than a 1000 words!

However you do it, do it. Journal......as that one chick says, it's a good thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chelsea! Love the layout and the new blog look! Hugs!

July 10, 2007  
Blogger Jessica Guthrie said...

I agree with the journaling helpers ... so many people have trouble with this, myself included. I'll embrace anything to get me to journal ... and I'm a writer by trade! LOL!

September 01, 2007  

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