Monday, April 14, 2008

14 magazines, 2 books and a couple 5 pound weights

or 23 other words, the amount of weight I've lost so far. (I'd share a picture of me doing the happy dance, but a picture of me dancing, let alone with no make up on is not pretty) I've got plenty to go still, but I'm pretty psyched so far. I've been enjoying going to the gym lately, but I know I'll be enjoying my outdoor workout far more as spring has finally decided to reveal her finicky self.

Here's my issue with the gym lately. It's a small, happy little gym...yes, it's a national franchise--but it's the smaller of the two Anytime Fitness centers in town, and on the edge of our residential community (unlike the other which is large and downtown). People are catching on to my happy little gym though...good for the gym owners, bad for me. It's bustling, it seems, whenever I want to be there. And I'm talking about bustling with the kind of people that make me feel a great deal of anxiety when I use the equipment adjacent to them; the skinny girl casually wearing nothing but her sports bra on top, showcasing her perfectly perky twins, and tiny shorts on the bottom, ensuring that we know that yes, indeed, her legs do go all the way up. So, while I'm trying to ignore Bufffy the Treadmill Slayer and boost my own confidence, pumping up my ipod with tunes of Mika, "Big are beautiful," the tunes are being overpowered by what appears to be someone training for a local strongman competition (based on the intensity of his grunts, and his spotting partner, saying "c'mon dude 2 more!") All the while, there I am sweating like a potroast and looking anything but haute. I fear that I'll have to start going to the gym in the middle of the night now, just to avoid possible interaction with Mr. and Mrs. Universe.


Blogger ~ maggie brudos ~ said...

o we are on the same planet!!!
that fricken chick hangs at my gym too!!

hooray for the weightloss! i too am
looking forward to finding my private place to be a potroast with my ipod... :)

April 18, 2008  
Blogger Periwinkle Pass Studio said...

You have made me chuckle this evening. Your gym story is great. Congrats on your success!!!. I will keep checking in to see how you are doing.

April 20, 2008  

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