Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Kermit said, "it's not easy being green," but really, it is!!! Today is Earth Day....what did you do to reduce your carbon footprint and be kind to the earth? I needed a few things from the grocery store, but instead of jumping in my truck, I jumped on my bike and road to the grocery store (it's only a bit over a mile). I remembered to grab a cotton sack for my groceries, so I don't have to debate between paper and plastic. Once at the grocery store, I bought as much organic as I could (remember, if local produce is available that's even better! Unfortunately local isn't available yet in Minnesota...and if you can shop at a Food Coop that's ideal--but that's for another blog)
I stocked up on my chocolate soy milk, tempeh and a bunch of produce. I have a great Topeak bag on my bike, and it has drop down saddle bags that are perfect for lugging groceries. (they fold and zip up when I don't want them down)

Going green doesn't have to be hard, and certainly not costly! Going green can save you money! Turn your lights out when you're not home, have a energy saver switch installed on your air-conditioning, go vegan (try it for a week even), walk or bike whenever possible instead of driving, carpool or use mass transit, buy local, buy organic, recycle everything possible, use cloth sacks when grocery shopping, turn the water off while brushing your teeth, reduce your shower time by a couple minutes, stop using bottled water and put tap in a reusable bottle, only cook what you intend to eat (or save for leftovers), change your light bulbs to energy savers, start a compost pile, check out books from the library instead of buying new ones, read your magazines on-line....and so much more. Remember, every little bit adds up!

Here's today's art journal entry in honor of Earth Day.


Blogger ~ maggie brudos ~ said...

your rockin' full of terrific earth day everyday ideas..

love your bike saddle bag..
i want one..

April 26, 2008  

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