Monday, June 16, 2008

Meth Lab for Cutie

Steph and I have come to find that it's not a good shoot, or at least not a complete one unless we have a run-in with the law. Today was no exception. We wanted an abandoned house to shoot in and around, and after the first one turned out to be far too smelly and dangerous (we sent Mike in to scope it out), we headed to another site we had both seen from a distance off of HWY 14. After 20 or so minutes, a pick-up made it's way through the overgrowth and up to us....a Janesville City Police officer "greeted" us while he was on the phone with the County Sheriff's Department. I think we burst his big drug bust bubble when he saw we were simply "takin pictures." My favorite line of the day came from him, "I can see you're not doing drugs as you're not in the typical meth attire"
Inside the house didn't produce the best shots, but it was quite interesting, and full of some great scares, as we were attacked by a few birds. (Mike screamed like a girl, it was great) After finishing up with shots outside the house, we headed out to Duck Lake in the city of Madison Lake for some water shots and fun. The wind was whipping and the water was far colder than the last water shoot at Hiniker Pond, but my willing but not whiny subjects grinned and bared it. Mike and Steph are so much fun, and really easy to work with. Steph has a natural model ability to her, and Mike is working on his expressions so as not to look like he's in pain or annoyed. He's come along way. I really enjoyed using my telephoto for some shots today, getting some candids of them when they were just playing around together and didn't really know I was shooting away.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The field shot reminds me a bit of Amanda Palmer. The expression, maybe?

Meth Lab for Cutie---hahahhahahha
Have you ever heard that song Taxi Driver by Gym Class Heros?:

"I took cutie for a ride in my death cab. She tipped me a kiss. I dropped her off at the meth lab"
The entire song is one long rapped list of emo bands. It's incredibly amusing.

-The Bean

June 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, quite the adventure girl! Love that shot of them in the water - looks incredible!

June 18, 2008  

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