Thursday, August 31, 2006

Blog challenge 2.0

or would it be 1.1........................I was never good with that stuff, well it's my darn blog so I say it's 2.0!!!!
So, today Joz wants us to blog about " What food combination makes you go "YUM", while others may go "EEEK!"" HMMM, well I actually had to call my husband on that one--because apparently EVERYTHING I eat is weird according to my friends and family!

Here's the deal, I don't eat meat. I prefer my lunch meat to be alive, grazing in a pasture somewhere. So, I eat lots of vegetables and grains and god help me dairy products (which I really need to cut down on) when I asked my husband Jason "what kind of weird foods do I eat" he had a whole list ready, "um Tabouli, Cous-Cous, Edamame, .............." those aren't weird to me though, those are just delicious...........mmmmmmmmm chelsea hungry. I then clarified to him that I meant food combinations. He was stuck, as he still just thinks everything I eat is weird.........god love'm.

Then it dawned on me.......the story of how Erik and I became best friends. Back in the day, oh, about 1997 I worked at a 50's style restaurant. (it's now been demolished and turned into a walgreens, but that's another blog for another day)....I had only worked there for a few days and met Erik briefly and befriended him. I was going to be having a mini party of sorts that evening and invited Erik. He and I ended up hanging out after work and he came over to my place before the party and we decided to order pizza, and here's where the story takes and odd and important turn.............when I said, "what kind?" we both said "'pinapple and olive?" at the same time. NOW, WHO SAYS THAT? WHO? I'll tell you who--two people, who are obviously meant to be best friends..........we just stood there shocked for a moment, history in the making...all over a pizza.
Go figure.
(here we are in California in June, 8 years later, still the best of friends!)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blog Challenge 1.0

Now that I'm an "official blogger", my scrapper cohorts say I have to participate in their blog challenges............okay, twist my arm.....I'll play along. :)
JW Dazzle's challenge today on STM is as follows:

What's in an ACRONAME?! No, I didn't misspell it. You've heard of acronyms like KW
IM, LOL, RAK and SWAK! So what about your name? What does it stand for? Take the first letters in your first name and tell us what it means! It doesn't have to be scrapbooking related! Use your creative imagination! Have FUN with it. I can't wait to read everyone's ACRONAMES!!!When you're done, post here and link us back to your blog so we can go check out your ACRONAME!!!Happy Blogging!Jozzie

So here goes nothin:



Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Dontcha? Wonder? no no, not just because it's conveniently the title of my latest page (see below--YES, ANOTHER Ireland page---and you can stop your whining right now because they're going to continue for quite a while :)) but wonder about all sorts of things......let me tell you what I'm wondering about lately, digital scrapbooking. I guess I just don't GET a lot of it.

What I do understand is the ability to alter images and place graphics on images--I think that's GREAT--I've done that--but then I PRINT them, and use them on my page. Is it because I'm just a very tactile person that I'm put off my digital scrapping? Is it that I like having ink and paint on my hands? Is it that I like to feel my work? Is it that I like to have bins and bins of ribbons and buttons and chipboard etc, and not just a disc of elements? Maybe.
When the digital scrapbook revolution really first "arrived" even though I didn't take part in it, I certainly gave props to my friends like Heidi Jones--who created her own elements and worked her photoshop like a government mule......she was doing something that I just didn't have the skillset or drive to do, kudos to her. But now, all these digital kits, I'm not a fan. Today I saw a layout that I thought was quite nice--but THEN I saw the dreaded DG KIT in the description, and it completely changed my mind--why? because the layout was SO easily could have been done by the scrapper in a matter of minutes, and I have no idea why she relied on a digital kit of all things for it. If it was to be a paper piece, I would have really admired the simple lines and design, but for digital--it was too simple--bland--and if she paid money for it--she overpaid, at any cost. I really like the layout though--and I guess that's why I'm annoyed. grrrrr. I've even found myself commenting on people's layouts in the past saying, "please, no, say it's not digital!" because I wanted to know the techniques they used and the manufacturer of the elements only to find out they're computer generated.............and not meant for this world....yet.
I could go on another rant here about all the people who scan PP and use it in digital layouts excessively and how that's technically copyright infringement and illegal, and how they're hurting the business of not only the manufacturers of the paper but the actual designers of the pp.......................but I wont. :)
Bottom line.......I'm not a digi chick...I think we all know that. I'm a "get your hands dirty and glitter in your eyebrows" sort of gal. I want a scrapbook page that you can feel and touch the elements. I know, it's not right of me to expect the same of all scrappers, I shouldn't restrict people's creative ability.............but I want to make sure they're not limiting their own either.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Opiate of the masses

well, since all my other scrappy friends are doing it, and I've had a blog for quite some time and really haven't utilized it, I thought, "what the hay" and decided to jump here goes nothing. I can't promise that I'll be a great blogger or a daily blogger or even an inspirational blogger..........but god only knows that a couple years from now people will be quoting my blog and referencing it like it has legs to stand on, which I promise, it doesn't.
ah, my first blog babble--that felt good.
okay, what is chelsea working on in the world of scrap? My Ireland book. Here's what I've done so far.

Our faces aren't really that distorded!
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