Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Who's THAT girl? I AM!!!!

No, I'm not talking about the Madonna song. (although a great one at that, hmmm, need to find the music for that and upload it!)
I'm sitting in my cube right now, blushing, with a happy little smirk on my face. Much to my surprise, I was honored to find out that I've been named THAT GIRL of the month on STM!
I've been a member of STM/scrappychick for, well gosh--how long has it been now Lynette? 2 years? 3 years? I literally stumbled onto the site from a link on a manufacturers site (how ironic), and found myself in the company of some of the most amazing women I've ever known. Smart, talented, funny, warming scrappers.........and without further ado, my acceptance speech:

I'd like to thank Lynette Daniel for providing a home for so many wonderful scrappers and crafters, no matter how bad of a day I've had, I can always count on one place to provide some love and inspiration, STM! I'd also like to thank lynette for all the "coffee talk" we've had the last few years, you're a treasured friend and I love you.

Tanya Morrow--Yaya, soul sister.......you are close even though we are a thousand miles apart, our friendship knows no distance. Thanks for the laughter and the inspiration. I look at a picture of you and I in my cube everyday and remind myself how lucky I am to have a friend like you.

Big smiles to Malena Andersson........looking at pages of you and your children have always filled me with warmth and inspiration. I love your colors and designs. You and your family are beautiful.

I know I can always come away with a smile after talking to Juli Redwine. She and I became fast friends and if we can survive a night of drunk golfcarting together, we can survive anything! If you're ever in Oklahoma and need some exercise, Juli would be glad to let a very fast pommeranianout of the house and let you chase it high heels for an hour or so. :)

Flavia, you're a doll! Unbelievably thoughtful and sweet...and with an adorable kid to boot! The best birthday phone call ever was Lucas singing to me. Thank You for that!

Cara Bresette-Yates, girl you know you're one of my idols, and that's all I need to say about that. Your a rockstar who needs no band.

...........oh speaking of bands--they're starting to play and want to kick me off the stage.........hey, I'm not done with my speech!!!
okay, really quick then before they cut my Mic........I love all you girls--Nancy, Rita, Sandi, Jozz, Athene, Kara, Jennifer, Nicole, Dierdra, Suzanne, Robin, Mary, Cathy, Kath, Toni, Lisa, Cari, Di, Heather...........and everyone else I love you all hardcore!


Blogger Athene said...

Awww! You rock girlfriend!!! A well deserved honor and I am honored to call you FRIEND!!!

October 03, 2006  
Blogger ~ Jocelyn Wilhelm ~ said...

I'm so glad we had this time together!!! Love yah girlfriend! You better have said my name! xox

October 03, 2006  
Blogger Malena said...

Love you too!!!!!


October 03, 2006  
Blogger k said...

Congrats to you AND what a great post - love the ending "they're kicking me off the stage, etc" LOL

October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you too sweetie! Well deserved! Enjoy your month! you ROCK!

October 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Chelsea! You rock you superstar!
Thanks for the shout-out. You always know how to make me feel good. I owe you tons in return.

Enjoy your reign! hmmm, do I need to make you a crown?

October 03, 2006  
Blogger Nancywithajones said...


October 04, 2006  

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