Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another day, another art journal page.

I did some printing on fabric for this page. (I used the kind of fabric a lot of people use to do needlework and cross stitch) I simply taped it down securely to a plain piece of printer paper and ran it through my printer. My friend Suzi and I were talking about some new digital products from Golden Yesterday. I think they'll be fun to try on foils and what not, but I find that I like the way most fabric takes printer ink already. It does sound like the new Golden products will seal parts of the fabric and provide a crisper image...they show an example on their site using cheese cloth, and that seems really cool. Unfortunately I can't get my hands on the product yet, since it's not available in any stores around here. I'll probably have to take a trip up to the cities to hit a real art store.....oh, and Ikea...if I must, lol. (it's a sick addiction!)......oh, where was I---yeah, the art journal page--well, I think I really only like the way the right page turned out (the clown kids). I was excited about the multiple wallet sizes of the pictures on the left page--but they just didn't end up the way I was hoping...oh well, you live you learn.


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